Below is a partial list of projects the Chukar club is supporting:
- Haypress meadow enclosure in Lander county, Desatoya mountains.
- Virginia range Sage-grouse habitat dilenation and impact study in Washoe county, Virgina range.
- Mountain quail capture and release in Carson city,Churchill, Storey, Nye, Lincon, and Esmeralda countys, multiple ranges.
- MVWMA (Mason valley wildlife management area) Holding pens and brooder house remodel in Lyon county at the MVWMA.
- The purchase of two Surrogator(tm) incubator/brooder houses. The surrogator is a self contained field unit that will establish a huntable population of game birds. The surrogatro functions as a surrogate parent by providing food, water, warmth, and protection for the first 5 weeks of the birds life.
- A Kawasaki mule for use at MVWMA.
- Dusky Grouse Ecology and Management Greater Sage Grouse Vital Rates
- Greater Sage Grouse Statewide Monitoring
- Wildfire Seed Purchase
- Turkey Translocation Monitoring
- Maison T Ortiz Youth Outdoor Skills Camp
- Supporting the Youth Fishing Derby and Hunter Safety program